Iowa Educational Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired has a new strategic plan, beginning this August. Along with departments serving both IESBVI and Iowa School for the Deaf, the five-year plan was formulated over the 2021-2022 school year.
At the Board of Regents, State of Iowa meeting in early June, the plan was approved. Highlights of the plan:
IIESBVI Education Program
Goal Children who are blind/visually impaired will have completed Expanded Core Curriculum (ECC) assessments for each Individual Education Plan (IEP) and ECC goal area.
Objective 1 Determine baseline data on percentage of IEP ECC goals with completed assessments for students in grades kindergarten through 12 including those with additional disabilities.
Objective 2 100% of children in kindergarten through 12th grade, including those with additional disabilities, will have a completed assessment in each ECC goal area on their IEP.
Goal 1 Improve agency effectiveness by ensuring relevance of programs and services
Objective Implement a review process that aligns areas of programming and services with the mission driven work of the agencies.
Goal 2 Ensure both internal and external stakeholders are informed about agency progress to achieve strategic goals.
Objective Develop and implement a system for regular communication with internal and external stakeholders about progress to achieve objectives in the strategic plan.
Goal 1 Raise stakeholder awareness of Iowa Education for Deaf and Blind as a trusted resource and school/program of choice.
Objective 50% percent of referral sources will be able to identify at least one unique service, program or outcome provided by each agency.
Goal 2 Engage stakeholders to become advocates for services and programs offered from Iowa Education for Deaf & Blind.
Objective 1 50% referral sources will be able to identify examples of how they referred other stakeholders to programs and services offered by Iowa Education for Deaf and Blind.
Human Resources
Goal Improve the recruitment process and practices to effectively access potential applicants.
Objective Develop individualized recruitment plans for TVIs, OMS
Business Operations
Goal 1 Increase efficient use of I-Visions.
Objective Study all iVisions processes to determine what changes can be made to increase efficiencies in operations.
Goal 2 Increase campus security.
Objective Based on an evaluation and recommendations for additional video surveillance, ISD will install additional cameras in recommended areas on campus.
Goal 3 All staff have technology that is current and meets their needs.
Objective All staff will have access to hardware and software needed to fulfill position related responsibilities by July 2025.