Family Services
IESBVI has many resources available to help you and your child as you navigate life. Our Teachers of the Visually Impaired (TVI) may complete assessments to help determine how your child is currently using his/her vision. Our Orientation and Mobility Specialists (OMS) may complete different assessments to determine how your child is understanding the world around him/her and moving in it. When training is needed for your child, both TVIs and OMS will develop a plan to help your child learn and grow. They will also help you develop skills so you can continue to build on your child’s learning.
To learn more about services available to you and your family, contact Deena Recker at
Support Group for Parents of Visually Impaired Children
Families have access to the Iowa Blind and Visually Impaired Children’s Support Group on Facebook. This is a parent-led group not affiliated with IESBVI, intended to promote events and activities in Iowa that involve families of children with visual impairments and blindness. Families may contact Brook Nolin for more information at