SPRING! SPRING? But it’s winter! Yes, but our SPRING FAMILY CONFERENCE is coming! Friday evening, March 24 and Saturday, March 25, 2023 will be the BIG event! It will be held at Camp Courageous in Monticello. Friday evening will be Pizza and Pool time at Camp Courageous. Our families will be the only ones in attendance, with 2 pools to enjoy! Pizza will be served with some lemonade to drink, and a sweet ending of cookies.
Saturday begins at 8am with our program for parents and children. There will be a program for nursery (ages birth to 3), a program for young children (ages 4-9) and a youth program (ages 10+). For parents, there will be breakout sessions to meet your needs. Sessions for parents of older children (middle and high school), sessions for parents of younger children (birth – elementary) and sessions for parents of children with multiple disabilities. Registration information is coming out in January, so be on the lookout!
For more information, please contact Deena Recker at deena.recker@iaedb.org or 641-814-3428.