Three IESBVI staff attended and presented at the Association for Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind & Visually Impaired conference July 24-28 in Charlotte, North Carolina. IESBVI regional directors Susan Brennan, Ph.D., Katy Ring, Ed.D. and Sara Larkin, IESBVI math consultant made group presentations. Larkin and Ring also gave individual presentations.

- Brennan, Ring and Larkin presented: Teachers Learning & Collaborating (TLC): Using a practice-based coaching model for professional development to improve instructional practices of teachers for the visually impaired and orientation and mobility specialists.
- Larkin’s presentations included: Digital Math- Introducing Skill Level Checklists to Prepare Students for Success
- Do We Have a Resources for You! Learning and Teaching the Nemeth Code within UEB Contexts: Step-by-Step Guide (Poster Session)
- Digital Math: Workflows from Teacher to Student and Student to Teacher
- Co-poster presentation, step-by-step guide to learn and teach Nemeth Code within UEB Contexts.
- Ring’s presentation was: Students with Visual and Multiple Impairments: Developing a Framework for TVI Training.